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The Lakewood Examiner endorses Melissa Knott for State Representative

Melissa Knott is standing for Washington State Representative in the 29th Legislative District, Position 2. She is the best candidate for the position, and The Lakewood Examiner endorses her.

So what makes Melissa special?

Well, if you have spent any time observing Washington politics, you’ll know that successful Democratic candidates for political office tend to be self-serving conformists. They’ll boast about their progressive credentials, but as soon as they’re elected they become Stepford politicians – it’s as if they have been replaced by robot doubles.

Melissa Knott, by contrast, is clearly her own person, and she doesn’t care who she offends when she’s standing up for what she believes. I have seen her in action when confronting the mayors of Tacoma and Lakewood, and her passion and commitment to justice are obvious. I am confident that the trappings of political power won’t change this.

I know that for Melissa, education is of prime importance, as is social, racial and environmental justice. If she is elected to serve as a State Representative, I am confident that she’ll continue to be a true champion for the causes she has fought so hard for to date.

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  • A. McDonald June 11, 2022, 7:16 am

    Melissa is the best qualified candidate for the 29 Legislative District Representative. Melissa is connected to the people; she knows and identified with the issues and challenges that affect every day people in state and in the 29zLD. I am supporting Melissa because she have a big heart for every day people and will be a voice and advocate for us.
    Melissa, blessings upon you.

    • James Dunlop June 11, 2022, 3:22 pm

      Thanks for visiting the Lakewood Examiner.

      I’m glad you agree with me! We need real people representing us, who are working for their constituents rather than for themselves.

  • Christina Manetti June 11, 2022, 12:06 pm

    Over the past year, I’ve been lucky enough to cooperate with Ms. Knott on a number of environmental justice campaigns in Lakewood and Tacoma. I have been impressed by the strength of her convictions, resolve, humanity and civic spirit. Please show your support to help Ms. Knott make a difference for us all in the Washington State legislature.

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